
Aiders & Straps

Climbing Stick Aiders for Mobile Hunting

Climbing stick aiders are used to help you get higher in the tree using single climbing stick, or multiples if needed. Hunters not utilizing the one-sticking climbing method still use aiders, typically on the bottom stick and bottom step only. OOAL climbing stick aiders are designed to work with our SHIKAR, SHIKAR FXD, SH1KAR One Stick, SHIKAR Mini Stick, BIG BOY Sticks, B.O.B., BIG B.O.B. and other brand tree stand sticks used for tree climbing aiders.

Learn More About Our Straps For Climbing Sticks & Saddle Platforms

Straps For Saddle Platforms, Climbing Sticks & Camera Arms

All Out On A Limb saddle platform straps, camera arm straps and climbing stick straps are made by us, sewn by us and made in the USA. If your looking for a strong strap with longevity, our variety of straps work great with our climbing sticks and saddle platforms.

8' Pull Strap: Great for The Ridge Runner, climbing sticks and The Podium.

6′ Substitute Strap: Great for camera arms like The REACH

5/8" Mini Flat Strap: Great for SHIKAR Sticks, NOT the Ridge Runner or Poduium

Cam-Over Strap: Great for camera arms like The REACH

6' Pull Strap: Great for The Ridge Runner, climbing sticks and The Podium.

What are climbing stick aiders for?
Climbing stick aiders are used to help you get higher in the tree using single climbing stick, or multiples if needed. Hunters not utilizing the one-sticking climbing method still use aiders, typically on the bottom stick and bottom step only.
What is OOAL's most popular aider?
By far, our 3 Step Aiders are the most popular of the models offered. This aider offers one-sticker's up to another 23" of overall length over the 1 step and 2 step aider versions.
Can I put more than one aider on a climbing stick?
No. A single climbing stick aider is designed to be used with a single climbing stick. You could use multiple climbing stick + aider combos to get up the same tree, but we do not suggest trying to connect to aiders to each other.
What aider gap lengths do you offer?
OOAL climbing stick aiders are available in 11", 13", 15", 17", 19", 21" and 23" lengths. This is the length between each step.

Should you use a climbing stick aider for hunting?

On the fence as to whether you need an aider? We are here to help solve that. Whether you are one-sticking or hanging traditional lock-on tree stands, climbing stick aiders can be a huge help, or hindrance if you don't really need them. Read our deep dive into whether or not you need a climbing stick aider and what size might work best for your needs and hunting style.
Showing all 2 products.